During the pandemic, Oliver spent a fair amount of time tweeting graphs of COVID data from his account @BristOliver. In this talk, Oliver will share some thoughts and experiences about data visualisation from this time. In Particular, Oliver will explain his love for logarithmic scales and try to justify his use of basic plotting tools as being part of a “less is more” philosophy when it comes to DataViz.

Wednesday 7th February, 2-3pm
In-person in Room 2.04 of the Fry Building on Woodland Road, Bristol.

Oliver Johnson
Oliver Johnson is Director of the Institute of Statistical Science in the School of Mathematics. During the COVID pandemic he provided commentary and graphical representations from a mathematical point of view. His book Numbercrunch (Heligo Books, 2023) is written for a general audience and describes the value of maths as a tool for making sense of the world.