Upcoming meet – October 28th Tableau Showcase, and Tableau practicals

28th October 1-2pm. Tableau showcase

Please sign up using the Eventbrite here

Room 1.20, 35 Berkeley Square, University of Bristol, BS8 1JA

The session will be given by speakers from Tableau.

This will be an hour long session including a 10 minute demo of Tableau’s capabilities with an example mobile phone dataset, a discussion of how data visualisation is used and how Tableau might help you, exploration of the Tableau visuals gallery and information about further training.

Data is everywhere. But it can be hard to make sense of it all. Tableau helps people transform data into actionable insights that make an impact. Easily connect to data stored anywhere, in any format. Quickly perform ad hoc analyses that reveal hidden opportunities. Drag and drop to create interactive dashboards with advanced visual analytics. Then share across your organization and empower teammates to explore their perspective on data. From global enterprises to early-stage start-ups and small businesses, people everywhere use Tableau’s analytics platform to see and understand their data.

Note that University of Bristol employees can access Tableau for free via Tableau’s academic programme. Students can download licenses here. Instructors/non-commercial academic researchers can use the link here. Instructors can download course software here. There is some further information on eligibility here. Tableau Public is free to anyone https://public.tableau.com/s/ and some people might qualify for a licence from Tableau Foundation : https://www.tableau.com/foundation/license-donations

If you are interested in a more structured course, Tableau will be running a beginners and intermediate course that day as well, details can be found on the JGI website.

Introduction to d3.js by Gizat Makhanov – 9th July 2019

We really enjoyed hearing about the potentials of d3.js and seeing some of the visuals it can create. If you would like the slides Gizat has been kind enough to share them with the group, please email the organisers for a copy.

Gizat was also able to give us an insight into a project he is working on, making a visualisation of the London Marathon data (https://results.virginmoneylondonmarathon.com/2019/?pid=start), using these for inspiration https://interaktiv.morgenpost.de/berlin-marathon-2016/ & https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/10/30/sports/new-york-marathon-in-six-charts.html. Hopefully he will be back to share the finished visual with the group!


Other useful links:

d3 galleries:

  • https://github.com/d3/d3/wiki/gallery
  • https://www.d3-graph-gallery.com/

Data Visualisation Techniques in R – April 30th

Osama Mahmoud gave us a talk on the basics of data visualisation in R. He covered base graphics and ggplot2 in a really simple and helpful way, particularly for those who are less familiar with R. His slides are here: Data visualisation techniques using R


We were particularly impressed with the BristolVis R package he has designed, which provides interactive practicals to introduce data visualisation in R and an interactive webtool.


Osama Mahmoud can be contacted by email and was happy to help any of the group with data visualisation inR, for contact details see his website http://osmahmoud.com/.

Upcoming Meetings April – July 2019

“Data visualisation techniques using R” by Osama Mahmoud (UoB)

April 30th at 12:30 – 13:30 Room 4.10, Graduate School of Education, 35 Berkeley Square

To get an idea of numbers please can you sign up via Eventbrite


CANCELLED – will be rescheduled later in 2019 “A Walk through the Python Visualization Forest” by Margriet Groenendijk

May 22nd at 13:30 – 14:30 Post Graduate Hub training room 1, Senate House (note different time and location!!!)

Margriet is a Data Scientist and Developer Advocate from IBM Watson

There are many different Python libraries available for data visualization. These all have different philosophies, syntax and ways to create charts. In this session we will go for a walk in the forest to explore them all and learn about their differences and similarities. We will find out what plots and maps work best for different types of data. The walk will be documented in a Jupyter notebook so later you can go back into the forest on your own.

This will be promoted as part of JGI Data-Week – please register via Eventbrite 


Design Principles of Data Visualisation by Oliver Davis (Data Vis Group organiser) + flash presentations

June 21st at 12:30 – 13:30 Room 4.10, School of Education, 35 Berkeley Square 


Introduction to D3.js by Gizat Makhanov (UoB)

July 9th at 12:30 – 13:30 Room 4.10, School of Education, 35 Berkeley Square