10th February 2020 – Information graphics in health science – Will Stahl-Timmins

In collaboration with the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at Bristol, we hosted Dr Will Stahl-Timmins from the BMJ coming to talk about infographics.

10th February 2020

Will Stahl-Timmins is data graphics designer for The BMJ, where he designs and commissions infographics, data visualisations and interactive pieces to update busy health professionals on the latest developments in health science. He will be explaining the design process used at The BMJ – from raw copy submitted by academic authors and journalists, through roughs and ideation, negotiation with authors, to realisation, coding interactivity and publishing the graphics. He will also discuss some of the skills and techniques needed for producing data graphics for web and print, and highlight some ways that individuals and teams could make use of design methods to explain complex health data.

Will’s talk can be found on YouTube here

He can be found on Twitter here